Dr. Isabel Perry , Keynote Speaker

Memorable Content Peppered with Humor

(321) 287-7771

About Me

My love of safety and leadership is deeply rooted and experienced. It's been cultivated over years of hard work, manifesting in a master's and doctorate degree in safety. Moreover, scaling the heights of a Fortune 50 multi-national corporation to reach its executive leadership echelons is a testament to my ...

In life, the path we tread is often filled with diverse experiences, each presenting its unique set of challenges and opportunities. My professional trajectory has been no different. From the humble beginnings on the factory floor to the high-powered executive board room of a Fortune 50 mulit-national ...

Associates often recognize me as an authority in the field of workplace safety and recommend me as a keynote speaker due to my expansive expertise in safety and leadership. As a dedicated 'Strategic Partner,' I am committed to empowering clients to "Save Lives and Save Money Worldwide." With a career spanning ...


  • Education + Experience = Results
  • Former Fortune 50 Executive
  • Masters/Doctorate in Safety
  • Travels Internationally
  • Awesome Baker

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